VODG Finance Director and Chief Executive's Event | Spotlight on VAT Novation

Across VODG membership, organisations are at different points in considering or progressing VAT novation agreements.

Across VODG membership, organisations are at different points in considering or progressing VAT novation agreements.

VODG undertook a Freedom of Information Access exercise establishing local authorities' approaches to VAT novation for both children and adults' services.

We are holding a spotlight event to share findings and to provide members with the opportunity to hear from one another and our expert partners. We will also explore how members' experience of local authority arrangements could further strengthen this emergent data set. 


Nicola Ford

Nicola Ford

Group Director of Finance, Avenues Group

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Alison Heustice

Alison Heustice

Director of Finance, FitzRoy

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Stuart McKay

Stuart McKay

Partner, MHA

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Richard  St John Williams

Richard St John Williams

Partner, Trowers & Hamlins

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