24 Jul 2019

New sector programme to tackle health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities

People with learning disabilities die younger. The Learning Disability Mortality Review has found that the disparity between the age at death of people with learning disabilities and the general population is 23 years for men and 27 years for women. Yet many of the causes of these deaths are preventable.With the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement VODG (Voluntary Organisations Disability Group) will be hosting a series of events for social care leaders who want to improve the health of people with learning disabilities. Under the banner, take a stand, tackle health inequalities, the events will cover:

Leading for better health is a conference for leaders who want to explore how to foster organisational cultures, systems and practices that reduce health inequalities.

Date:               Thursday 3 October 2019

Time:              10.00 – 16.00

Location:        London

Learning from LeDeR (the Learning Disability Mortality Review) will examine what we can learn from the LeDeR findings and explore the practical steps social care providers can take to prevent early deaths.

Date:               Thursday 5 December 2019

Time:              10.00 – 16.00

Location:        Leeds

Staying healthy will showcase a wide range of health and wellbeing initiatives and explore some of the dilemmas providers face when seeking to balance choice with the drive to support people to lead active and healthy lives.

Date:               Thursday 6 February 2020

Time:              10.00 – 16.00

Location:        Birmingham

Tackling health inequalities is a key VODG workstream, which was first identified by chief executives of our member organisations. Consequently, we are already engaged in a number of initiatives concerning tackling health inequalities, such as the ‘STOMP’ programme to eradicate over-medication.

Alongside VODG's activity, there are initiatives underway across the system. These events offer an opportunity to share good practice and foster improvement across the provider community, both incentivising good organisations to do more whilst offering a means for those with more significant room for improvement to learn from, and work with, their peers. We know that when good providers start to respond to policy and public health initiatives, others follow.

Further information about the events will be made available on the VODG website.