Leading for better health - a conference to support social care providers to reduce health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities
People with learning disabilities die younger. The Learning Disability Mortality Review has found that the disparity between the age at death of people with learning disabilities and the general population is 23 years for men and 27 years for women. Yet many of the causes of these deaths are preventable.A new social care sector programme of events is tackling health equalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. Leading for better health is a conference for leaders who want to explore how to foster an organisational culture, systems and practices that reduce health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. This conference will:- Enable providers to investigate a whole organisation approach to ensuring that people with learning disabilities experience the best possible health outcomes.
- Consider how social care providers can use health information and systems to support people well.
- Identify good practice in involving families in decision-making about people’s health and well-being.
- Equip providers with strategies to escalate concerns if they think someone is not getting the healthcare they need.
- Encourage providers to engage in the learning disability mortality review.
- Provide an opportunity for providers to feedback what they need from other parts of the health and social care system in order to deliver improved health outcomes for people with a learning disability.
Event details
Date: Thursday 3 October 2019
Time: 10.00am – 3.30pm
Location: Altitude London, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
Registration is essential via this link. VODG terms and conditions apply.This conference is supported by NHS England and delivered by VODG (the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group).