VODG HR Directors' Professional Network December 2023


Natasha Mitra

Natasha Mitra

Head of Helpline Services, Unseen UK

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Freya Smith

Freya Smith

Business Engagement Manager, Unseen UK

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Samantha Smith

Samantha Smith

HR Director , Dimensions UK

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Adrian Swindells

Adrian Swindells

Director of Growth, HireGenics

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Laura Welchew

Laura Welchew

Partner, Trowers & Hamlins

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10.00 - 10.05 

VODG Welcome and Housekeeping

Kerry Hamilton, Head of Membership and Operations at VODG  

10.05 - 10.10

Overview of Programme  

Kerry Demner, VODG Co-chair

10.10 - 10.20

Employment References (Legal)

Laura Welchew, Partner at Trowers & Hamlins

10.20 - 10.35

Provision of Employment References in the Sector - Group Discussion

Samantha Smith, HR Director at Dimensions

10.35 - 10.50

Modern Slavery (Legal)

Laura Welchew, Partner at Trowers & Hamlins

10.50 - 11.20

An Overview of Modern Slavery in the Care Sector

Natasha Mitra, Head of Helpline Services at Unseen UK

Freya Smith, Business Engagement Manager at Unseen UK

11. 20 - 11.35

Agency Solutions to Modern Slavery

Adrian Swindells, Account Director at Hiregenics

11.35 - 11.45

Real Living and National Living Wage - Group Discussion

Kerry Demner, VODG Co-chair

11. 45 - 11.55

Future Topic Suggestions

Caroline Neal, VODG Co-chair

11.55 - 12.00

Final Roundup and End

Kerry Hamilton, Head of Membership and Operations at VODG  


Please note, should you have any accessibility requirements, we will do our best to make necessary arrangements to support you; however, we may require up to four weeks notice, so please list your requirements on the booking form. Closed captions are used as standard in online meetings. If you have any concerns, please email [email protected].

Join the HR Directors' Professional Network

The HR directors' network provides colleagues a secure space to discuss pertinent issues and topics via our online forum, to upload documents and to view the lastest network events. 

Network - HR Directors Icon.jpg

HR Directors

Members (182) Discussions (68)

The VODG HR directors' professional network welcomes senior HR professionals from amongst our membership.

VODG HR Directors' Network Co-chairs

Caroline Neal

Caroline Neal

Group Director of People & Organisational Development, Avenues Group

Jo Gouldthorpe

Jo Gouldthorpe

Director of People, Aspens

Kerry Demner

Kerry Demner

Head of HR, Hightown Housing Association