VODG Event | Spotlight on Shared Workforce Priorities

Members of VODG are invited to participate in an upcoming session featuring Partners in Care and Health - a collaborative effort by the LGA and ADASS.

Members of VODG are invited to participate in an upcoming session featuring Partners in Care and Health - a collaborative effort by the LGA and ADASS.

This session provides members valuable insight into the development of the shared workforce priorities and an opportunity to contribute to their development. The session will explore the draft priorities, their relevance to disabled people and third sector organisations, and how best to ensure alignment with local and regional priorities. 


The national Shared Workforce Priorities for Adult Social Care, co-developed with the sector, were first developed in 2020 by the Local Government Association (LGA), the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and Skills for Care who agreed to work collaboratively on five shared workforce priorities, namely:

  1. Strategic workforce planning

  2. Growing and developing the workforce to meet future demand

  3. Enhancing the use of technology

  4. Supporting wellbeing and positive mental health

  5. Building and enhancing social justice, equality, diversity and inclusion in the workforce.  

These priorities are currently being reviewed in consultation with people receiving care and support and colleagues and organisations across social care.

While there are clearly shared ambitions, the Workforce Priorities are distinct from the development of a workforce strategy for adult social care, which is being led by Skills for Care.
