25 Sep 2020

Fairer futures

The VODG Fairer futures programme, for member chief executives and senior leaders, is a series of innovative and stimulating events and activity that will explore how, collectively, we can shape the future of service delivery for disabled people and their families.

Born out of a series of discussions that took place over the summer with member chief executives as part of our collective response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Fairer futures draws together and consolidates a range of insightful themes and ideas, identified during those discussions, on how to strengthen our part of the sector.

During the 18-month programme, chief executives and senior leaders from across the membership will gather to contribute to and participate in a series of national events, regionally focussed meetings, topic-specific engagement sessions, as well as strategic influencing and communications activities.

Through this collective action and collaboration, we believe that, as leaders within our sector, together, we can take great strides towards our collective vision for an ambitious, trusted and vibrant voluntary sector that works together to enable disabled people to live the lives they choose.

The Fairer futures programme has been designed to offer VODG member chief executives and senior leaders an opportunity to reflect on the future and participate in activity that will:

  • Enhance VCSE collaboration in delivering services to disabled people.
  • Share learning and insights to strengthen resilience and shape future services.
  • Increase collective influence on policies relating to disabled people’s services.
  • Champion a rights-based approach to service delivery and promote the importance of upholding rights and entitlements.
  • Shape joint messaging and showcase the vital work of VCSE disability organisations.
  • Advance our collective vision for an ambitious, trusted and vibrant voluntary sector.

Fairer futures will sit alongside, and complement, VODG’s ongoing work across core areas of work, including:

  • Funding (and for those affected, sleep in payments), the unique role of the voluntary sector, workforce, risks and issues around the EU exit, innovation and tackling unmet need and inequality.
  • Ongoing action tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and winter preparedness.
  • Developing a new programme of work embedding equality and diversity in the leadership and governance of disability organisations.
Fairer futures will be formally launched on 16 November at our Chief executives’ network meeting and AGM.