VODG chief executive backs race equality commitment for sector
VODG chief executive, Dr Rhidian Hughes, has joined forces with leaders of other voluntary sector infrastructure organisations in signing up to a commitment to race equality in the sector.
Dr Hughes and the other signatories have signed the statement entitled Dismantling racism in charities and the voluntary sector. The statement also welcomes Home Truths: Undoing Racism and Delivering Real Diversity in the Charity Sector, a report examining aspects of racism as it is evidenced in the voluntary sector, published by Voice4Change England and ACEVO on 17 June.Dr Rhidian Hughes, chief executive of the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group, said:
“As leaders in the sector we have an important role in tackling racism head on in the sector and in driving tangible change.
“I am proud to support the Dismantling racism in charities and the voluntary sector statement and fully back the recommendations of the Home Truths: Undoing Racism and Delivering Real Diversity in the Charity Sector report.”The statement is hosted on the #NeverMoreNeeded website, a campaign highlighting the importance of the work that voluntary and charity organisations do, in response to coronavirus and more generally.