VODG backs NICE campaign to encourage better medicines support
VODG is pleased to support a new initiative that aims to encourage better medicines support for people who are receiving social care services in their homes.
The Involved & Informed: good community medicines support campaign has been developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in collaboration with a number of organisations, including VODG, to ensure the best possible outcomes with a reduced risk of medicine related harm.The organisations involved in the campaign have produced a resource for people accessing medicines support and their families and carers. The document explains more about NICE’s guideline and quality standard, which is focused on safe and appropriate medicines support for people living in their own homes.The resource also explains more about what the NICE guidance says about involving people in decisions about their medicine support. Partners will share the resource, along with key campaign messages, with various health and social care commissioners and practitioners.
VODG members can access the resources here.