09 Oct 2019

VODG annual conference 2019 roundup

Monday 9 September saw chief executives and senior directors of VODG members come together with investors and sponsors for our annual conference. The theme was leadership for collaboration and the full programme can be accessed here. This is the #VODG19 conference roundup.

Morning Plenary

Michael McGrath | Change agent and polar adventurer
Michael McGrath shares his experiences and insight around resilience, courage and optimism.


Getting ahead with digital
Neil Taylor (Langdon) and colleagues explore how we can understand digital developments and the next steps in the voluntary disability services sector.
Developing strategic commissioning
John Tizard and Lesley Dixon (PSS) facilitate a discussion to further develop VODG's position on strategic commissioning.

Digital Social Care
Digital Social Care is a partnership project dedicated space to provide advice and support to the adult social care sector on technology and data protection.

Afternoon plenary

Kate Terroni | CQC Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care
Kate Terroni sets out her vision for regulation and the importance of partnerships with providers.


Understanding personalised care
Angie Boyle and Jennie Walker (NHS England/Improvement) facilitate a conversation about approaches to personalised care.
Everyone needs a place to call home
Diane French (Reside Housing) and Maria Mills (Active Prospects) host a discussion.
Addressing the disability employment gap
Diane Lightfoot (Business Disability Forum) and Karyn Kirkpatrick (KeyRing) challenge 'what can you do' to address disability and employment.

Closing Plenary

Thomas Muirhead | Co-founder Utopy
Thomas Muirhead shares three stories to help the voluntary sector think differently and untangle the obstacles to progress.

With thanks

VODG thanks members and sector leaders who worked with us to plan and deliver the conference.
Our thanks also to VODG's investors Agenda Consulting, MHA MacIntyre Hudson and Trowers & Hamlins LLP. Our investors collaborate with VODG and members and take a share in VODG's success as well as demonstrating a clear commitment to high quality disability provision.
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