Coronavirus (COVID-19) Special Brief – 3 July 2020

Friday 3 July

From next week, staff and residents in care homes for over 65s and those with dementia will receive regular coronavirus tests from as part of a new social care testing strategy. Please see below for links to a news story as well as a letter from the Director General for Adult Social Care outlining more details from the Department for Health and Social Care,
While we welcome the new plans, we remain concerned that government continues to overlook other parts of the sector including people who live in their own homes and supported living settings, who are still unable to access COVID-19 testing via the government portal.
We highlighted this inequity in June and continue to monitor this situation. If you are able to provide any insights into this issue (or other areas of concern), please send us your comments to [email protected]
Erika Murigi | Head of Communications and Public Affairs 

Coronavirus (COVID-19): key messages

  • On Thursday, the government has announced that councils in England will receive a further, unringfenced £500million funding to respond to spending pressures they are facing. This brings the total granted to local authorities to £27 billion.
  • Please see below for details of a MHRA recommendation that all Cardinal Health facemasks are disposed of locally.
  • There are incoming changes to the government's furlough scheme. Please see below for updated guidance.
  • We have received communications from NHS England and NHS Improvement about NHS commitments to addressing health inequalities. The full message is included below for your reference.
  • All feedback, please email [email protected]

Coronavirus (COVID-19): news

Regular retesting rolled out for care home staff and residents
Regular coronavirus testing from 6 July is part of a new social care testing strategy.
Adult social care testing - letter from Director General for Adult Social Care
Ros Roughton updates on COVID-19 outbreak management and re-testing for care home staff and residents.
Recall of Cardinal facemasks
Information on MHRA recommendation that Cardinal Health facemasks are disposed of locally.
Safety fears over 85 million masks and respirators
Concerns have been raised over safety of expired surgical masks and respirators.
HM Treasury extends tax cut to PPE costs
Temporary scrapping of VAT on PPE has been extended until 31 October.
Impact of coronavirus in care homes in England
First results from the ONS Vivaldi study, which looked at coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in care homes for people with dementia and older people.
Coronavirus and shielding of clinically extremely vulnerable people in England
ONS analysis of clinically extremely vulnerable people in England during the pandemic, including behaviours and mental and physical well-being.
New funding package for councils
Government  announces more funding to address spending pressures and lost income due to COVID-19.
Letter to people shielding in Leicester
DHSC writes to those shielding in Leicester to advise on how national lockdown measures affect them.
Lack of local testing data hinders UK’s outbreak response
Ability of local leaders to manage coronavirus outbreaks is hampered by gaps in reporting of infection data.
'Utter abandonment' of special needs families
Families of children with special educational needs tell MPs support "fell off a cliff" in lockdown.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance

Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Updated guidance on changes to the CJRS to be implemented in the coming weeks.
Full opening: special schools and other specialist settings
For special educational settings to prepare for the September return of pupils with special education needs and disability.
Health Service and Social Care Workers (Scrutiny of Coronavirus-related Deaths) Directions 2020
Directions to ensure scrutiny of deaths of health service and adult social care staff from COVID-19.
Young carers and young adult carers: providing care during coronavirus
Guidance for people under the age of 25 who are providing care for someone during the pandemic.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): sector response

Accelerating NHS progress on health inequalities during the next stage of COVID recovery
Please read below for communications received from the NHS England and NHS Improvement Stakeholder Engagement team. "The disproportionate impact on people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, people living in areas of high deprivation and inclusion health groups shows starkly the health inequalities which persist in England today. The NHS Long-Term Plan commits the NHS to addressing health inequalities and much excellent work is underway already, particularly focused on medium and long-term action. But progress needs to be accelerated; responding to and recovering from COVID calls for more focused, additional and immediate actions. "NHS England and NHS Improvement have therefore established a Task and Finish Group, composed of a range of system leaders and voluntary sector partners, to focus on what specific, measurable actions should be taken by the NHS in the next few months. The Group will take account of feedback and ideas already received from BAME organisations, the VCSE sector, local systems and others. "It will seek to provide national clarity and drive as an integral part of the next stage of COVID recovery; together with the local flexibility needed to fit to place, ICS and region and partnerships with local authorities, communities and citizens. "The Group’s remit is to produce a set of specific proposals, set out in a very short document, to inform and sit alongside the third letter to the NHS system on the next stage of COVID response and recovery. The very short timescale means that actions cannot represent a comprehensive strategy, but they can address some of the most immediate opportunities for change and build momentum for wider progress in the future. "This work is distinct from but complementary to the dedicated work on the NHS as an employer being led by the Chief People Officer on supporting our BAME NHS staff and implementing the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard.
"The Group will be chaired by Owen Williams OBE, Chief Executive of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. "We will endeavour to keep you informed on the progress of the work."
Skills for Care enews
Includes information on activity to learn more about the experiences of adult social care workers from a black, Asian and minority ethnic background during COVID-19.
Public service contracts during the pandemic
NCVO continues to seek views about to organisation's experiences of delivering public service contracts during the pandemic.
Inequality for people with mental health and learning disabilities
Nursing Times explores impact of pandemic on people with mental health issues and learning disabilities and the staff who care for them.
Notification of deaths and disease amongst social care workers
Letter from the campaign for Reporting, Notification, Infection and Protection to Prevent COVID 19 deaths in workers.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources

Coronavirus and occupational health
Resources on occupational health and coronavirus, including returning to work. From the Society of Occupational Medicine.
Charity shop reopening pack
Latest edition of the reopening pack. From the Charity Retail Association.